Janet Condra: The Untold Story of Larry Bird’s First Wife

Early Life and Enigmatic Background

Not much about Janet Condra’s early life is publicly known, contributing to her enigmatic presence. Born in Indiana, USA, Janet’s privacy has always starkly contrasted with the fame that later surrounded her due to her marriage. She graduated from Springs Valley High School, creating the prelude to her story with Larry Bird.


Meeting Larry Bird: High School Sweethearts

Janet Condra and Larry Bird, the future NBA legend, began their journey together in the most innocent of settings – high school. Both attendees of Springs Valley High School in Indiana, their relationship blossomed from friendship to young love. This part of their lives laid the foundation for what was to become a monumental connection, tying their names together in the history of basketball lore even after their separation.

A Brief Marriage

In 1975, Janet Condra and Larry Bird decided to formalize their relationship into a marriage. Unfortunately, this union was short-lived, lasting less than a year. This marriage would forever link Janet’s story with Bird’s rising star despite its brevity. The reasons for their divorce in October 1976 remain private, adding to the mystique surrounding Janet.

Life After Larry Bird

Following the divorce from Larry Bird, Condra decided to stay out of the limelight, focusing instead on personal endeavors and the upbringing of their daughter, Corrie Bird, born in 1977.

Demonstrating immense resilience, Condra navigated the complexities of single motherhood and worked diligently, ensuring a stable and loving environment for Corrie despite the challenges presented by the high-profile nature of her father’s career.

Corrie Bird: A Bridge Between Worlds

The birth of Corrie Bird symbolizes a new chapter in Janet Condra’s life. As the shared bond between Janet and Larry, Corrie grew up mostly away from the public eye but faced unique challenges due to Janet’s parents’ strained relationship and subsequent divorce. Co-parenting endeavors and privacy considerations marked this period, illustrating her continuing commitment to her family’s well-being amidst evolving circumstances.

Condra’s story is a compelling resilience, privacy, and strength narrative. Despite being linked to one of basketball’s greatest figures, she chose a life away from the dazzle associated with fame. This decision and dedication to her daughter’s upbringing showcase her indomitable spirit and dedication to family values.

Marriage: A Personal Decision

Post-divorce, Janet Condra found love again, marrying Mike Deakins. This second chapter in her personal life brought happiness and stability, further highlighting her quest for a fulfilling personal life beyond the shadows of her first marriage’s fame.


Janet Condra’s life, closely intertwined with Larry Bird’s legacy, presents a tale of privacy, resilience, and the relentless strength of a woman navigating life’s complexities. Her story is an inspiring testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of prioritizing personal values over the allure of public attention. While much of her life remains shielded from public scrutiny, her journey underscores the significance of personal integrity and the courage to write one’s own story amidst the whirlwind of fame.

Though largely untold, her story resonates as a powerful narrative of a life lived with grace and resilience, a standing testament to the complexities of human relationships and the strength it takes to forge one’s path in the wake of fame.

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